วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

My Three Usernames

Hello everyone. Today, my topic is about the usernames. :)

First, Let's talk about username. Usernames are part of your public profile. We use this information to help people find you and to organize your information. 

For someone, username is very important because it can represents your personality like trendy, fashionable or someone may just want others to remember. Today, I'll talk about my three usernames.

My first username is from gmail. My gmail is gift.gif@gmai.com. The reason that I set my e-mail like this is because first, I like to have "." in my e-mail. With no reason, i just like it. And also I don't like to have other signal like "-" or "_" in my e-mail as someone may confuse between them. Second, i use "gif" instead of "gift" because someone already use it and "gif" can pronounce the same sound like "gift". So, I chose it as my fist e-mail.

My second username is come from Line application. My line username is GIF(red balloon). I used "GIF" because I know that my name is very repeated. There are many people named "GIFT" in my line contact. I want to be different from them. So, I use "GIF" as my username. The reason is same as my e-mail and "gif" is also use as a file of picture in computer. I think that it is easy to remember and everyone can recognize it. Moreover, I use red balloon after GIF because i like red color and it shows fresh and bright. 

My third username is come from Facebook. My facebook named is Gift Lertrussameechit that is my nickname and surname. Actually, I didn't play Facebook for a long time. I just use it to update some news. And Facebook has the policy to let users use the real name. So, my Facebook name is very simple that i just show that it was me. 

วันอังคารที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

My sister habit

My sister is the one who love shopping so much. She always buy things like clothes, accessories, mobile case, and other things at shop and also online shopping. So, I will explain her habit when she wants yo buy something.

Nowadays, we can find the information about something we want to know easily by using the internet. For my sister, when she interests in something, for example, she wants to buy her new sport shoes. She will find the information first from reviewing website like Pantip, Dek-d, and sport web board. After that, she will check the price from any online website and also standard price at retail shop. She easily search the price by the website or use hashtag for instragram. If the price from online store is cheaper than shop. She will find the online shop that is trustable by looking at their history and review from their customers.

Moreover, she is very concentrate on sellers. As everyone doesn't like sellers who are not sincere to customers. She likes to be a loyal customer to the shop that sellers can tell everything she wants to know about the product and can give her suggestion to buy things that are best for her.

I think the most important factor for buying things from online shop is trust because it is the indirect communication between seller and buyer that they aren't know each others and never see each others before. So, the online shop should build trustworthiness and make the relationship with their customers.

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2558

My Last Three Mobile Phones

Firstly, I want to tell all you guys that I am a loyalty customer of Apple. The reason is because my last three mobile phones are all ''iPhones''.

My first iPhone is iPhone3S. I got it since I was around 16 years old. At that time, BlackBerry was very popular. All people used Blackberry to chat with other people but I didn’t interest in chatting with people that I’d never known before. So, I decided to buy the first iPhone that was iPhone3S.

Next, my second iPhone is iPhone4. I think that this was the peak period of iPhone. You had to wait for the queue to buy the iPhone. I waited around 1 month for my second iPhone. The reason that I changed my phone was because my father wanted to change his mobile phone but he didn’t want to buy the new one. So, he took my iPhone3S as second hand from me and let me buy the new iPhone lol :)

Then, my third iPhone is iPhone5. It was a good time to change the mobile phone since I found the problem of my iPhone4. I like the new shape and new functions of iPhone5 like Siri and Panoramas camera, so I decided to change to iPhone5. Now, I used it for almost 3 years but it’s still work very well. Even I interest in the new iPhone that will be launched in Thailand next month but I still don’t have plan to buy it.

วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558


Have you ever heard about " Green Computing " ?
Yes, I think everyone has heard about it.

Green Computing is the study and practice of environmentally sustainable computing or IT. The goal of green computing is to reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the products' life time.

There are many methods to practice the green computing in real life. For me, I practiced the green computing in many ways. First, I always shut down or turn off the electricity devices every time that I don't use it like using the sleep mode on the computer or use it in eco friendly manners. Next, I try to reduce the use of hazardous materials. For example, I will recycle the paper to use more benefit if I can. As I'm a student, I usually have to print out the slide or some homework that I have to use a lot of papers. So, I use the back page of the paper to print out the slide.

Actually, The practice of green computing is not too difficult for me. I think everyone can help doing the green computing in their own life. This is the simple ways to help and save the environment.

วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558


I thought a lot about my first presentation because I don't know much about ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning. So, I tried to search information about ERP first before I chose the topic to present in the class.

The topic that I chose is " 7 Significant ERP Trends". I thought that it is very interesting as most companies will get the benefits from using ERP techniques. So,  Then I checked the topic on BIS website to make sure that it won't be the same as my classmates. I posted the topic on Monday and I had time to prepare my presentation for a week. I did the powerpoint slide and prepare the presentation before the presentation day.

On the presentation day, I checked the rank of the presentation. I was number 16th. I waited for my queue and listened to other presentation. There were a lot of interesting topic of ERP. However, I prepared myself and did my best.

วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558

My (IT) Plan B

Hi everyone
Today I'm gonna tell you about my (IT) plan b.

Since I'm a senior BBA students. I have a lot of projects to do during the semester. Also, I'm a commitee of Photo club as a secretary so I have many documemt files to do and share with my friends in group. 

At first, I always send file of my work to my friends through e-mail but it is quite difficult that sometimes my friend has to edit something and send back to me. 
It is waste the time and cause less efficientcy of work process.

So, I find the way to make it easier. My brother suggested me and my friends to use the Google docs to save and share files within the groups. I found that it works very well. We can easily share file of works and use it everywhere through smartphones. 

The google docs also provide other functions like Docs, Sheets, Slides, or forms that help me a lot to do the document file or easily do the online questionaire. 

วันอังคารที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558


Nowadays, many advanced technologies become an important part in daily life. People uses technology to live more comfortable life. 

Today, I'm going to talk about digital assets and how to mange them. 
Actually, I don't have much digital assets. 
I have some simple digital assets like 
the document files, email account, and social media accounts. 

I don't have lots of knowledge about how to manage my digital assets. I know that it's very necessary to manage and protect them because it's personal assets. So, I try to manage them in several methods. 

First, For the document files. I always save my document files in computer drive and also use the external drive in case of the lost files. And sometimes when I have the important files, I will upload them on Google drive or some other drives that is very easy to make sure that my files are saved.

Next is the account for email and social medias. When I register the new account of website or applications. I normally note the username ID on my mobile phone.